Everytime you see this little red line above a post means that I have officially made some money by blogging about some company/service/product. If you want to earn some spare cash and at the same time grow blog traffic, my advice to you is to sign up for PayPerPost right now. I know I might sound like a hardcore salesman, forcing my ideals down the throats of my dear readers about how great/clever/easy PayPerPost is since day one, by fact of the matter is that I've been getting good money from them ever since I signed up. Even for low traffic blogs like yours truely, where most of my loyal readers are my dear friends and collegues, you still can get an average of US$7-8 for each PayPerPost you do. And just to let you guys in on a little secret, PayPerPost will be annoucing sometime big in the up coming weeks. Hence here I am, being paid to start rumors about what great idea they might have hidden up their sleeves. Hopefully it will be of additional monetary advantage to us bloggers, which I personally think it will. Since they have already shocked the world with their US$1000.00 opportunity for high traffic blogs, I don't see what other incredible things they can't come up with. So what sit down and wait to see what pops out of the bag? Signup now and who knows, something BIG might be in store for you! Anyhow written on Feb 26, 2007 at 7:35 AM
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