AnyHow Blogs
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Almost There

As all of you know, I have been quite busy with the moving in to my new place at Simei and of course the unpacking that comes along with it. I haven't had a proper night's sleep in almost 2 weeks. My definitation of a proper night's sleep is one that you wake up according to your own biological internal clock and not by any other means [for example you mum and dad screaming at you to wake up or that irritating alarm clock going berserk on your ears]

Anyway, the moving process is almost complete. No more renovation has to be done anymore, except the putting up of the curtains which might require a new hole or three. Other than that, we just have to wait for the remaining furniture to be delivered and for the junk stuff in the rest of the boxes to transferred into their respective dust-gathering storage places.

And to reward those of you who have been regularly visiting my now-not-so-often-updated blog, he's a preview of what my new room looks like [complete with a tired and blur looking pipi in the mist]...

My New Room 1

My New Room 2

Oh, and I managed to squeeze some little time out of the hectic schedule to catch Jay Chou's new movie, "Secret", with pipi and a long time missing friend. Not a bad movie except for the fact that Jay wasn't exactly acting. He was just acting as himself, even to the extent of his character being named "Jay". Everything from his famous unprecise language to his act-cool attitude was tranferred from his actual self to his screen character. But do catch the movie if you have the time. It's a touching love story.

Oh and did I mention that when the movie started, we were the only 3 people in the cinema? I even managed to snap a shot of us having a taste of VIP treatment.

VIP Cinema

It wasn't until 5 minutes after the movie started did the rest of the 6 people [yes I even managed to count them] started to stroll in to the cinema. Ok, time for me to get some seriously needed shut eye. Going to have to wake up early again tommorrow and probably for the rest of the week too until we finally officially move in on Saturday. And hopefully I can catch up on Mr Z on Sunday.

Anyhow written on Aug 19, 2007 at 11:52 PM

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