Are you in need of some financial help? Have you ever considered applying for bank loans? With so many banks out there offering competitive interest rates on loans, it's always hard to choose the right one. But before you decide to apply for a bank loan, have you ever wondered where your loan money comes from? Now at co-operativebank, you can rest assured that the money you borrowed has not come from profits of unnecessary pollution, human rights abuses or other unethical pracitices because of their strict ethical policy. And with a 6.9% APR typical for loans between £7,500 to £25,000, you can be assured that you are getting one of the lowest interest rates in town. There's even a loan calculator and budget planner on their website for those financially savvy people who want to get more out of their buck. So head on down and take a look now. Anyhow written on May 23, 2007 at 9:54 AM
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