Yes, I know I have not been updating my blog regularly since school started. Any way, there's nothing much happening since school officially started. Most of the days would be spent travelling to school, listening to lectures and attending tutorials, travelling back home and getting in some gaming time before I finally pass out of exhaustion on my comfy bed to recharge the batteries for the next day. Oh, come to think of it, there is one funny incident that happened just a few days ago. Don't tell this to anybody but I think I have mastered the art of "Thumb-Zhi Shen Gong". Just a couple of days back, I was feeling kinda bored while waiting for my parents to finish their shopping, so I just playfully poked my thumb into pipi's left arm. Of course she gave me a scolding for being so bo liao and was kinda pissed off. But it didn't end there. It seems that somehow I managed to "misplace" one of the veins in her arm [as said by the Chinese Accupuncturist] causing her to feel a bad strain in her arm and not being able to fully utilise it. Even to the point where she has trouble sleeping at night because of the pain. Well, the chinese doctor said that we would have to go back again tommorrow to see if it has improved. I just think he wants to earn more of our money. Whatever the case, we still have to go back and hopefully pipi recovers from this weird incident soon. So next time anybody pisses me off, beware of my deadly thumbs!! Muahahahaha... Anyhow written on Sep 19, 2007 at 6:45 PM
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