Credit cards have been around for a long time, so obviously one needs a something special to stand out from the rest of the credit card companies. These cards have basically been the same for almost 37 years, until now. Introducing the new MINT credit card. Introduced in 2003, it offered holders something out of the ordinary. They could choose between the standard credit card or the new MC card, which defines credit card style by having it's bottom right corner removed. It also comes packaged with free online account management and no annual fee. Did I also mention that it's accepted at over 24 million locations worldwide? And in September 2006 they went 1 step further by launching the mint Gift Card. This is the perfect gift if you can't decide what to get for that special someone. Rather than getting vouchers from a specific shopping mall, this pre-paid credit card allows the reciever to make a purchase from anywhere that accepts MasterCard. Head on down to MINT cards now. Anyhow written on Feb 28, 2007 at 7:05 AM
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