![]() I'm back!!! Did anybody miss me? The PC Show job was kinda boring. I don't understand why Sony would want to put 1 massive dealer booth on the 3rd floor and another smaller booth from a different dealer on the 4th floor with all the other brands. Wouldn't it be better to just concentrate everything on the 3rd floor booth? Anyway, sales was horrible. I even remember seeing empty counters with NOBODY enquiring about our products or even walking past the counter on Saturday night around 7pm, which is considered to be a peak hour for this type of show. Worked my ass and throat off for the 4 days and I think we each only got a pathatic total pay of a little more than $400 bucks. A reminder to anyone that goes to any sort of IT/PC/Electronics Show/Fair. Please remember to check out all the booths before making your final decision, even if it's the same brand. Just take a moment to be kiasu and ask about the current promotion because the offers for both the booths were different and I would say that people who bought from the 4th floor got the better bargain. So anyway, been busy Cabaling again these few days [which explains the erratic updates] but sad to say that the server is now undergoing maintenance *SOB*[which also explains why I have so much time to write this blog entry] Well wishes going out to Alvin and Shawn who are 'migrating to India and never coming back' as stated by Alex. Haha, no, they are not really migrating to India, they are just spending a month or so over at Hong Kong on a University exchange programme. Hope they have a good trip and come back with nice little souvenirs [took me forever to get the spelling right] for us when they return. As for lil'o me, I will be killing time by work at the gigantic Gianty Giant at Tampines over several weekends selling HP printers this time. The basic is good and there's commission too. And hopefully I'll get to bump into a few familiar faces. So remember, if you're free during the weekend and have abosolutely nothing else better to do, get your ass off the couch and come down to Tampines Giant and visit me! *Hint* *Hint* And to close it all off, I finally received the final product of my first print ad shoot. Well, actually I received it last week but I only have the time to upload it today. So behold, the newest face on your Today newpaper, which was published on Friday of a few weeks ago. And before you start complaining that my eyes are freakishly small, take into consideration that I had to act cool and relaxed while the 4pm sun was glaring directly into my eyeballs. ![]() click it for a bigger view Anyhow written on Jun 24, 2008 at 12:25 PM
0 bored people said something about this Sorry for the lack of recent updates. Pretty much been Cabaling the whole holiday away, apart from the small other activities that have been going on. So here's a quick catch-up from where I left off till today's current status. Cable Ski-ing@Batam Finally managed to get a chance to go cable-ski-ing in Batam during the previous week. It's bloody cheap as compared to the one at East Coast Park. In fact, I only spent a total of about SG$100.00, which includes a whole day of cable ski-ing, lunch, dinner and the ferry and bus rides. Compare that to the per hour charging of the one at East Coast Park. Anyway, although I have tried wakeboarding before [only once!!], I couldn't seem to get the hang of it at the start. Kept doing faceplants into the water as soon as my butt left the safety of the wooden starting platform. However, because of my highly adaptive senses, I was soon ski-ing my way around the pond after a couple of hours. But 1 thing I realised is that cable ski requires much more arm power than wakeboarding. This is because of the sudden increase in pulling force when the cable is whipped around the corners by those metallic spinner thingys. Whereas in wakeboarding, the pressure on your arms is always consistent and you are the one who decides when you want to have more or less tension. We practically spent the entire day whisking around the pond and fooling around with the grind and quarterpipe slopes. So much so that 1 week after, I have only just recovered from the peeling of my face due to our dear old sun. My head looked like an atlas for 2 whole days. But I do love the new tan though. Kung Fu Panda Went to watch Kung Fu Panda after a friend's birthday celebration dinner at Marina Square. And I've to say that I've never laughed so much in a cinema before. I don't know how they managed to pull it off but there was a genuinely funny scene almost every 5 minutes, and I'm not talking about those corny moments when the directors expect you to laugh but all you can say is 'errrrr....'. That panda was really fat and funny. And we came out of the cinema with a new catch phrase "You must BELIEVE...", as said by the great Wuu Guii shifu. I won't provide any more spoilers for those who haven't seen it yet, but all I can say is you won't regret watching this cartoon in the movies. PC SHOW I'll be working at the Sony booth again this coming PC Show [12 to 15th June] so if you're interested in getting any Sony products, don't be shy and come on down and let me earn commission off you. Haha. I'll be there from Thursday to Sunday and if I see anyone I know who bought Sony products from the show but didn't go through me... Heads are going to roll... Well that's all for now, it's time for me to get back to my gaming. Cya soon. I will try to update after I come back from the PC show. Anyhow written on Jun 9, 2008 at 5:44 PM
0 bored people said something about this |
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