![]() Yeah! Wang Li Hom rocks! Back from his concert last Saturday and it was great. Although his new haircut was somewhere in the cock-a-naden zone, his vocals were still as great as ever. For those who are not familiar with him, Wang Li Hom is well renowned for his near ending notes and breathless songs which most normal people will not even dare to try. And his English is just as good as his Chinese. Of course that's not suprising considering the fact that he studied in America for a few years. And that also explains his American accent. But no matter, what matters most are the songs! Words can't describe the pleasure of hearing your favourite songs being sung LIVE by your favourite artist. It's just heavenly. Although he did went off tune and a couple of notes, but overall he was still spectacular. I must say that I was slightly pissed off by the fact that I paid $148 x 2 1 and a half months before the concert to seat at a side seat some distance from the stage while 2 of Pipi's friends got premiere tickets for the 2nd row from the front just 1 day before the concert for FREE. Some people are just too lucky. After the concert we walked all the way to Geylang to have some 'Yiu Tiao Da Wang' before heading home to rest. This was 1 day while I won't be forgetting in the near future. I would post some videos that we recorded during the performance, but I don't want to have the HIP [Honour Interlectual Properly] people on my ass about piracy issues. Anyhow written on Oct 24, 2006 at 2:52 PM
0 bored people said something about this Working in tough. Especially if you're in the sales line with no commission and you encounter an old man who doesn't know shit about cameras and keep asking stupid questions, which by the way you have already told him the answers like 3 times within the last 10 minutes, which any normal person would have the common logic to figure out by themselves. OK, pop quiz... What does these 2 symbols on a normal camera stand for? ![]() Simple right? Anybody don't know the answer?? I shall not insult your intelligence, as all of us can easily identify, the first is the self-timer while the latter is the flash. But apparently, not everybody who has the money to fly expensive airlines has the common sense to identify these symbols by themselves. As hard as it might be to believe, this is an actual reanactment of the actual words spoken during a roadshow... Naggy Old Man : "Where is the flash? How do you turn it on and off?" Promoter [pointing to the flash icon] : "It's over here sir. Just press it to turn on the flash." Naggy Old Man : "How do you turn it on and off?" Patient Promoter [Again pointing to the flash button] : "This button. You just press it and the flash will be on. If you press it again the flash will be turned off." Naggy Old Man : "Oh, then how do you turn it off if I don't want the flash?" Calm and Collected Promoter [Pointing and pressing the flash button] : "You just press the same button again. See, the first time u press it, it says 'FLASH ON'. If you press it again is changes to 'SLOW SINCRO' which means the flash will flicker longer so the picture won't be so bright and if you press it again it says 'FLASH OFF'. And the last time it will change to 'FLASH AUTO' which means the camera will determine if it needs to have the flash on or not." Naggy Old Man : "Oh OK. Then how do I set it to AUTO mode?" Forced-smiled Promoter [Again pointi... You get the picture.] : "You just press the flash button until it says 'FLASH AUTO'." Naggy Old Man : "Then where is the flash button?" Slowly-losing-patience Promoter [You should have memorised this line by now] : "It's over here sir. The button I just showed you." Naggy Old Man [Pointing at the self-timer button] : "Oh. Then what is this button for?" As you can see, I don't know if he is blind in one eye or deaf in the other ear, but either way, he just seems to have the understanding power of a 4 year old. And this is just a short scene taken from the entire 45 minutes that he was standing there asking questions about the camera when he hasn't even bought it yet. Thank god he still bought the camera in the end, or I would have personally jumped over the counter to strangle him with my bare hands. Anyway my Sony job is coming to an end soon and I'll be starting work as a Technical Assistant in some school somewhere. I don't know the full details cos the company hasn't gotten back to me on which school I would be posted to but at least I think it's a slack job. I'm supposed to troubleshoot any computer problems that the end users [teachers, students and toilet cleaners] encounter during the course of using the computer, for example mouse cursor not being able to move cos they accidently pulled it out while playing PONG too vigorously or shit like that. Personally I don't really know much when it comes to the hardware of computers but hopefully I'll be able to smoke through. I heard from a fellow interviewee who's friend is already working as a TA that it's a simple job of just slacking around the school and waiting for knock-off time. The pay is kinda low but let's just hope the distance and freedom makes up for it. And most importantly I hope that there is wireless LAN or at the very least an Internet connection that I can hook up my personal laptop to. Or else I would be boring myself to death everyday. And finally, today's random funny...
Anyhow written on Oct 20, 2006 at 5:28 PM
0 bored people said something about this Oh My God... Not another picture of this self-centered, cocky, over-confident self-worshiping idiot! But damn he looks so good. ![]() Modesty is so last century. I love me. P.S. Please pardon those white dots. I have no idea how they got there, the images on my com and photobucket are all clean, anybody knows why those damn dots only appear here?? Anyhow written on Oct 15, 2006 at 9:08 PM
0 bored people said something about this Took another beautiful picture of myself during work today. Working with a company that sells cameras really gets you taking beautiful pictures. I shall not say much, everybody just enjoy the splender of my beauty. . . . . I'm so pretty, I can't stand myself! . . . . ![]() Anyhow written on Oct 12, 2006 at 5:16 PM
0 bored people said something about this Fuking pissed off cos I seem to be losing every single DOTA match I've played since 3 weeks ago. Maybe it's partly due to my lack of practice since I left army but honestly speaking, 75% of the time it's due to either 1 or more of these reasons: 1. A teammate or 2 leaves / lags out as soon as the game starts. 2. I have a noob in the team who feeds the opponent every 1 minute. [I actually played a game where I counted an average of 60 seconds before I heard another "An Allied Hero Has Fallen".] 3. Team has a bloody farmer who doesn't understand the meaning of defence. And in the end still can't win the other team with his 'godly items'. I don't mind losing the game to a team with good teamwork or a pro player, but losing because of MY own team really just sucks. Where have the days of old gone where our games would last 15 minutes before the entire opposition team left due to frustration. I kinda already forgot what it's like to win. Yeah, I know I'm just whining like a kid, but I have to get this off my chest so I won't feel so fucked up inside. Maybe you would understand how I feel after you try playing for 3 weeks and almost not winning a single game at all. I want my old team back. *sobs* Anyhow written on Oct 8, 2006 at 11:51 PM
0 bored people said something about this Have you all seen the haze recently? It's the worst case of haze we've had since I don't know when. Everybody seems to be saying "I thought I was in Genting". We peeps, I've got news for you, the fog is Genting is human organ-friendly and cooling. But what we have here is a case of overcarbonated air coming from those nuts in Indonesia who believe in killing what mother nature built in many years by just setting a blazing fire to clear the forests. I wonder why the government doesn't just impose a ban and life-time jail sentence to anyone caught using fires to clear forests. Why don't they do anything about those nuts? I thought only Singaporeans like to 'NACO' or 'No Action Complain Only' but obviously the Indonesians are doing it too. Current PSI reading is 140 and it was a freaking 170 this afternoon. Anyway what does PSI stand for? They say that 180 is the danger level where children are not allowed outdoors and do not have to go to school. What about working adults? They say we still have to go to work since we all work in air-conditioned rooms, but do they know that most of us still have to walk a certain distance to the bus stop / interchange / office building before reaching the safety of and air-conditioned office? Anyway, let's just hope that I don't die halfway when walking to the bus stop tommorrow morning when I go to work. Hope this haze clears up soon cos it forced me to spend an entire off day at home rotting and doing nothing. Those damn Indonesians should be hung. Anyhow written on Oct 7, 2006 at 11:18 PM
0 bored people said something about this Apart from being one of our nation's more well known actor cum performer, Hossan Leong is also one of the few Singaporeans who openly admits he's gay. Well he doesn't really have to admit that much cos obviously everybody can tell by the way he carries himself. Anyway here he is with another one of his crazy antics. Enjoy. Anyhow written on Oct 4, 2006 at 4:36 PM
0 bored people said something about this I've got 2 words for you all. ![]() ORD LOH!! Yes, after a long awaited wait of 2 years, I have finally been freed from the prison that is NS. I have officially started on the next chapter of my life story. Will be starting work tommorrow as a Sony Promoter working in the airport in one of those booths within the transit area. Woohoo. I've been assigned the morning shift which is from 7am-3pm. So I guess that there won't be much customers to disturb me with their lame questions or price comparisions which is just as well cos I don't think that there will be any commission this show. Maybe I'll even get to spot a few SIA girls or even those cute girls selling chocolates in the stores beside us. Anyway, I'll be working 6 days a week from 2nd October to the 24th with every Thursday as my off day. So if anybody is free enough to ask me out, please either do it on a Thursday or after 3pm on any other day. In the meantime I'll be looking for a proper temp job that might hopefully place me in an office working environment. Any lobangs please share with me ok? Anyhow written on Oct 2, 2006 at 10:20 AM
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