![]() Argh. Another week of lifelessness on my blog. Terribly sorry to those of you who visit regularly and find nothing new. Anyway, I'm trying my best to keep my blog active during this trying period. Whoever said it was fun being a student definitely wasn't a uni student in Singapore. With endless lists of assignment deadlines and examinations looming around the corner, there's never a good night's rest. Currently still rushing 3 x assignment 3 for 3 subjects which are due this coming Monday at noon, not to mention that I just came back from my Maths prelim exam this morning, and that just being a hint of what's to come for my other prelim subjects coming up as soon as this Saturday. Now the question is should I concentrate on my assignments or set aside some of the already insufficient time left to study of my prelims? Well, I choose assignments. Because assignments contribute to part of my final results, while on the other hand nobody really cares even if you submit a blank paper for your prelims. Oh, Batam trip was 'cancelled' for me because all of them could only make it on Wednesday, which is today, which is the day I'm having my Maths prelims. And an important lecture. Hence they decided to enjoy without me. The bastards. The date of the next trip better be during the school holidays. And lastly but not leastly, I've been tagged by MiMi to do some message in a bottle MeMe. Let's put on our creativity caps shall we? Here we goooo.... *ZZOOOMMMMMMMEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEE* **Start Copy Here are the rules: You are about to send a virtual Message In a Bottle across the Blog Ocean. Leave a message in the sand or on the bottle. Write anything you wish. Be a pirate or a poet. Serious or silly. Anonymous or not. What message would you like to send out to the universe? *POOF* Message In A Bottle Meme ![]() 1. Compose a message to place in your virtual bottle 2. Right click and Save the graphic above 3. Use a graphics program of your choice to place the message on the picture 4. Post the meme and these rules on your blog 5. Return your "Message In a Bottle" to me via email ~ mimiwrites2005 at yahoo.com, sign the Mr. Linky below and leave a comment HERE telling me you've finished. IF YOU WANT YOUR MESSAGE TO BE ANONYMOUS PLEASE SAY SO. 6. Tag a minimum of five people - or your entire blogroll - to do the same. Notify them of the tag. Here's my bottled art. ![]() I tag anyone who has been free enough to have read this post all the way up till here. Yes, I'm talking about you. And you. Don't turn away. You've been tagged. Anyhow written on Feb 27, 2008 at 4:52 PM
1 bored people said something about this I am in dire need for a new pair of surf shorts. Will be going down to Batam this coming Monday for cable-ski and I don't want to be seen wearing the same pair or orange flower-power surf shorts that I bought during my poly days. Spiderweb surf shorts, where are you? Anyhow written on Feb 21, 2008 at 11:16 AM
1 bored people said something about this Was supposed to post this sooner bu recently I have been busy with rushing my assignments which are due at the end of the month. Heck, I'm still rushing them as I'm typing this blog entry in, but what the heck, 15 minutes of blogging won't cause me to drop a grade on my assignments right? Let's hope so. Anyway, had a simple but enjoyable Valentine's Day on Thursday with PiPi. She was having lessons in school up till 3pm so I met her around 5 plus at City Hall to catch Kung Fu Dunk at Marina Square a while later. And it was quite amazing that although it was Valentine's Day, when I booked the movie tickets online the day before, the cinema was still practically empty. Maybe it's because people think it's too low-class and boring to spend your Valentine's Day watching a movie about a singer with lousy acting skills performing impossible basketball shoots and dunks while being attached to an invisible bungee cord. Maybe people are upgrading themselves and deciding that a memoriable Valentine's Day should be a candle-light dinner at posh restaurant with a slow, soothing music of a violinist playing softly in the background. Hello. Time to wake up. That kind of stuff only happens in the movies. And even worse now that I have virtually ZERO income from being a full-time student. A movie and a dinner is all I can afford right now. Anyway, sorry for digressing all the way to Mars, but back to the topic now. Don't be misled from my previous 2 paragraphs that PiPi wasn't satisfied with the movie and the dinner. She was. And the best thing was, GV was having a special Valentine's Day popcorn promotion which included 1 large popcorn, 1 large drink and a 'bouquet' of flowers! All this at only $9.90! I jumped at the chance to order the package online after paying for my movie tickets. When we got there, the 'bouquet' of flowers turned out to be a single stalk of rose with some of those small little grassly like stuff that is used to emphersize the rose, wrapped in 2 layers of mesh cloth. Well, what did you expect for $9.90? Well, if a $9.90 rose can fulfill the objective and have the same effect as a $69.90 bouquet of roses, I don't see the point in spending that extra 60 bucks which was more then enough to settle our dinner. And yes, PiPi was satisfied with the flower and even impressed that I could find such a lobang on Valentine's Day. I'm quite a lucky guy to have such an easily satisfied girlfriend no? Here's a snapshot taken inside the cinema while waiting for the movie to start. Note the $9.90 flower... ![]() On the way to the cinema, we saw a heart-shaped pizza promotion at Pizza Hut and were considering having that for dinner. But when we reached Pizza Hut after the movie, the queue was still And as we expected, we didn't even have to queue for our table when we got there. We both had fish dishes that were recommended by the staff there, which we had never tried before and they were great. Sat and chatted for a while after dinner before sending PiPi back to Jurong and making the long trip back to Simei. Had an enjoyable Valentine's Day in all, and PiPi gave me a hand-made card!! Take a lookie! ![]() ![]() For those of you who don't use facebook [What on earth are you waiting for?], these are Fluff Friends that we adopted as pets on facebook. And they look exactly like what is drawn on the card. She's got artistic talent no? So cute. Love her to bits. Anyhow written on Feb 18, 2008 at 11:39 AM
0 bored people said something about this Hope everyone has been having a great Chinese New Year. I know I have. Collected quite a considerable amount from all those $2 bills hidden within the ang baos. Here's a quick look at the total damages I cost those who know me. ![]() I'm semi-rich again! Woohoo~ On another note, went to watch Ah Long Pte Ltd withh PiPi and her family during the weekend. As with any other Jack Neo film, you need to be very Singaporean to get a lot of the jokes and humour. Oh, and a basic understanding of Hokkien is a must too. I realised something about Jack Neo films. He always casts himself in a small, unimportant role maybe just to make sure that viewers will rememer his face instead of only knowing his name, like most of the other film directors. Who remembers the face of Steven Spielberg? Anyhow written on Feb 12, 2008 at 11:18 AM
0 bored people said something about this Today is Chinese New Year Eve. And just in time too. Been spending quite a lot of time and money at Simpang Bedok on gaming within these few days. My pockets are running dry but luckily there will be some inflow of cash during the next couple of days to come. Anyway, just a short little post to update my "Wants" list on the sidebar. These are the clothes that I've bought so far for Chinese New Year.
And here's the list of clothes and accessories that I'm still looking out for...
All these items are currently presumed still non-existant in the market as I have yet to set my eyes upon anything from the above list that remotely grabs my attention for more than 3 seconds. All the current Nike shoe designs are basically back-to-school basic colours with simple designs. Definitely missing the WOW factor that it brought to the world in the past. Levi's have seemed to be rather lazy these couple of months, having zero new design releases in a bid to clear off all the older designs. Come on Levi's. Stop slacking and start producing. And what's with the skinny jeans trend? Yucks. The last item is even more elusive that the first 2. It's just an idea of a perfect pair of surf shorts for me. A white-based, knee length surf shorts with a little bit of black or red highlights and a big spiderweb print on 1 side of the shorts [with or without the spider]. I've even tried to google it but sadly there seemed to be absolutely zero matches. If anybody has ever seen anything that remotely resembles what I've just described above please give me a buzz, or even better if you know of a place where you can custom design your own surf shorts. I will love you to bits. But until then I guess I'm still stuck with my orange flowery surf shorts... Oh, and Happy Chinese New Year to all you Chinese people out there. Many you be blessed with many red packets in the days to come. Anyhow written on Feb 6, 2008 at 3:21 PM
0 bored people said something about this A long long time ago, there lived a group of highly skilled fighters who devoted much of their time training and perfecting their art of fighting. Each of these fighters had a unique individual trademark that few others could even come close to. They were each a master of speed, size, evasion, power and flexiblilty to name a few. Even at that time, they were legends in their own right. But as time would have it, they soon grew old and slowly but surely devoted lesser and lesser time on their training, some even to the extent of stopping completely. And after some time, they each took their own path and dispersed themselves among the vast areas of the country. Many years pass since the divergance of the group. Very few was said between them although every single one of them had a permanent place in their hearts for the friendship and old times when they used to be one inseperatable unit. Watching the performance and skills of their future generations deter through the years just stabbed the knives deeper and deeper into their hearts. Until one day, a couple of them decided that it was time to have a gathering of the masters. It was time to revive the excitement and passion that every one of them had in the past. Messages were sent in every form of communication across the country, hoping to locate as many masters as possible. Although skeptical, most of them agreed to meet up at an undisclosed location. It was during that meet-up session, that more and more memories of the good old times came flooding back as they recalled all the blood and sweat of their previous trainings and fights. It was at that point of time that they agreed to meet up again for a training session for old times sake. This is not a plot from a Channel 8 Kung Fu drama. This is a real life story of a group of kids from our very own Singapore. And I'm one of them. This is our story. The story of the older generation of Taekwondo members... ![]() The Masters A friendly competition. Loading... 1728KB Anyhow written on Feb 4, 2008 at 11:52 AM
0 bored people said something about this |
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