![]() But it's so damn expensive and non cost-effective to do it. Going for my regular haircut later at CityLink. I really want to colour my hair brown with some highlights but it's freaking $65 just to dye and another $30+ for cut, which equals almost $100 bucks flying out the window to look good for like a maximum of 2 months because my hair is so short and it grows freakishly fast. And I'm afraid to go to those shady hair salons around my neighbourhood in fear that I will come out looking like some 19 year old ah beng. Anybody with any good and cheap lobangs for me to dye hair? Good and Fast : Won't be Cheap Fast and Cheap : Won't be Good Cheap and Good : Won't be Fast Anyhow written on Jul 31, 2007 at 1:53 PM
0 bored people said something about this Have you always wanted to be in the knowhow of the latest fashion and design news? Here's one website that keeps you updated on all the buzz and news about Belisi Fashions Jupiter, FL, a fashion label that embody timeless sophistication and enduring beauty. Learn more about the amazing Peter Belisi and how he rose to fame in the fashion design world. Read about all the articles he has been featured in and get the latest scoop, all in this reader-friendly blog. And what's the point of knowing the latest fashion without the ability to wear it? Choose from an array of beautifully designed accessories such as handbags, scarves and pocket squares that will surely make you the centre of attraction. So visit belisi.com and get some now. Anyhow written onat 1:22 PM
0 bored people said something about this A little late with today's post, but no matter, we still have to put up the answers for those who got to guessing. So cross your fingers and maybe you are one of our lucky winners this week? From the shelves of lissa... ![]() Well, some of you knew what it was at first glance, while others didn't quite get close to it. But as you know, it's a close-up of a hole-puncher used to get single holes instead of the usual 2. Good one lissa. And now for my own... Still trying to figure out what's the hint? Well, it was my hand at the bottom left. I was trying to tell you guys that it wasn't as big as it seems. I guess most of you got that hint. ![]() Still can't guess what it is? Well, you might use a different version everyday but you just didn't notice.... ![]() Yup, it's just your everyday letter opener shaped in the form of a cool golden knife. And now announcing our grand winners for this week: Congrats to Melanie, stacie, mjd, comedy+, jams o donnell and miscellaneous-mum for guessing hole puncher for lissa's Guess-It. Gattina got only number 2 right and Kudos to holly schwendimen, tegdirb92, pearls of wisdom and lissa for being spot on on both guessing [technically lissa couldn't possibly guess her own one wrong so I'm putting her name here] Oh, and jams o donnell is the current man to beat with his 3rd Most Humourous Award in a row this week... Well, that's a mighty bunch of winners we have this week. Time to up my game. Be prepared for a super-tough Guess-It next week. In the meantime, enjoy your weekend! If you want to be a part of WW : Guess-It, all you have to do is drop an email to anyhowblogs@gmail.com with a picture and a small hint for the Guess-It and I will be more than happy to post it up this coming Wednesday. And don't forget to send me the answer with a picture in a different email so I can play along too. Anyhow written on Jul 27, 2007 at 7:45 PM
4 bored people said something about this Wordless Wednesday : Double Trouble 3 Finally we have another supporter to our WW : Guess-It. This time it comes in the form of a submission from lissa. Hope to see more submissions this week. Happy Guessing~ Submitted by lissa... ![]() My Guess : Is it a funky bottle opener? And my very own... ![]() Hint : The hint is in the picture. Good luck!! Anyhow written on Jul 25, 2007 at 2:00 PM
15 bored people said something about this Are you sick and tired of cleaning up dirt and rust from "Stainless Steel" cabinets that you have around your home? How about trying out new aluminum cabinets in your garage and kitchen? Firstly they look great and can come in almost any colour but most importantly, they don't rust like your typical metal cabinets. Besides being light and easy to maintain, aluminium has a longer lifespan than metal or wood. So hurry down and check out the latest range of aluminum cabinets at carguygarage.com now! Anyhow written onat 1:23 PM
0 bored people said something about this My internal clock that is. Seems that it's becoming a habit to have breakfast at 2+pm, tea-break at 5+pm and dinner at 1+am. Did I also mention that I'm waking up around 1pm every day? There was even a day where I had only 1 meal the entire day. And it was at 5pm... That's even worse than fasting! At least they have 2 meals a day. I need somebody to rearrange my internal organs for me, or maybe just re-tune my internal clock so that it tells the time correctly... Anyhow written on Jul 24, 2007 at 6:55 PM
0 bored people said something about this It's time once again to reveal the answer to this week's Wordless Wednesday Guess-It. I must say this week's picture was quite misleading due to that huge "MICROVAULT" word screaming at you on the cover. But nonetheless, let's see if anybody got it right... ![]() Let's see, does pulling it out help to solve it a little? ![]() No? Ok let's take the whole thing out then... ![]() Still can't figure it out? Ok, I'm gonna loosen it up a little... ![]() Still no? Well, how about now?? Yup, it's my favourite stylish, entirely black umbrella that I got from Sony during one of it's Microvault promotions. That explains the big word screaming in front of your face over there. We don't have any outright winners this week, but I would like to award the "Most Humourous Award" to Jams O Donnell for his querky yet detailedly explained answer of Well I've totally milked this one haven't I!" And just to let you know, I'm STILL waiting for more Guess-It pictures to be submitted by my players. All you have to do is to drop an email to anyhowblogs@gmail.com that includes a picture for the Guess-It and I'll gladly post it up on the next WW [with full credits going to you of course]. And don't forget to drop me another email that contains the pictures for the answers. Hope to get more than 0 submissions this week. Happy Guessing~ Anyhow written on Jul 20, 2007 at 1:45 PM
4 bored people said something about this If you are looking for somebody that has the same interest as you, trying to find someone that loves black, tatoos and rock, head on down to this new goth dating website and you're sure to find a match or two. All you have to do is complete a simple signup form and you'll be able to search your area for amazing gothic guys or sexy gothic girls. They have thousands of profiles in their database so you're sure to find somebody that you will like. So what are you waiting for? Stop wasting time searching aimlessly for that goth partner you've been looking for because all you need is this cool website. Find your goth match today! Anyhow written onat 1:34 PM
0 bored people said something about this Glad to see that the Saturday Comeback Challenge is back up and running at full speed again. If you're wondering what it is, well, it's a fun little contest where you have to come up with querky comebacks to real-life online dating profiles posted up by real-life people. It runs every Saturday and I've been in it for quite some time. But this week's contest was one to remember, particularly for me. That because I won it. Well, it's not the first time that I've won the contest so far, but it's definitely the first time I've been pronouced the winner above so many contestants. During the few couple of times that I was the winner, there were only a messy number of contestants[read 3-5], but this week, I came out tops above 9 other witty people. So hang on to the edges of your seats cos here come my comeback answers [complete with pictures] that won me the golden egg this week. I strongly encourage everyone out there to participate in the challenge every Saturday. It's good, clean fun. ![]() 1. Just Put Out to Pasture Why? You're parents couldn't stand you anymore? ![]() 2. Dart Player Looking to Hit the Bullseye Here's my bull. Go ahead, take your best shot. 3. A man with a leering stare who enjoys bad puns, bad punctuation and egregious social errors You forgot to mention bad pickup lines too. ![]() 4. When In Doubt, Play Dead *Playing dead* ![]() 5. My ideal match would look like shania twain,sundra bullock, jennifer aniston,teri hatcher,alysia morano,donna mill and marg helenberger,debra winger So you're someone who has 8 heads? That's too bad, cos I only have 1. 6. I am hedonistic & "blessed" with an annoyingly high testosterone level that won't seem to let me be. Just as long as you let the rest of us be, you shouldn't be getting into any trouble. 7. Hark ye of fare eyes Who art thou, creator of thy lameoth lines? ![]() 8. Who shall I spend my time with while I'm "waitin on Jesus? Don't bother waiting, he told me that he has already given up on you. 9. Dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening and Love like you've never been hurt before. Do you skate? Did you notice that in actual fact, really no one wants to watch you dance, listen to you sing, or have you to love? And that goes for skating too ![]() 10. Come Walk Your Inner Dog With Me Sorry, I'm more of an Inner Cat person. ![]() Tie-Breaker: My favorite activity is quilty time on the couch. That's why you never get any dates. Anyhow written on Jul 19, 2007 at 4:05 PM
0 bored people said something about this Are you sick and tired of going on blind dates just to find out that your date looks like he/she hasn't left his coach for 3 years? If you are turned off by flabby stomachs and beer bellys, here is a cool little website that you would be pleased to know about. Head on down to fitness dating, a new online dating site that specifically focuses on fit singles. No more worries about having to meet up with an overweight, under-paid computer nerd that just sits in front of his desk the entire day. Instead, you get to choose from a huge database of buff guys that are seriously looking for someone who can match their active lifestyles. So head on down and signup for free to start finding fitter and healthier dates that are looking for someone like them. Anyhow written onat 2:57 PM
0 bored people said something about this Wordless Wednesday : Guess-It 15 Hope you guys enjoyed last week's break. Now it's time to put your thinking caps back on and start guessing! ![]() Hint : It's not a walking stick Anyhow written on Jul 18, 2007 at 3:07 PM
16 bored people said something about this So I'm stuck alone at home with nothing to do. It's only 3 pm but it feels like 8pm. The rain is pouring and the wind is howling [you'll be suprised how loud the howling gets even on the 13th floor]. Stuck at home in my dark room with just a table light switched on. It feels like some sort of eerie Japanese horror show, where something will just suddenly pop out of somewhere to try to scare the living daylights out of me. But knowing me, I think I would most probably start talking to my new friend instead of running away like a sissy girl. Anyway, enough of my random ramblings, here's a couple of photos I took with my Nokia N73. Just trying to play around with the focusing and see if it can match up to ful-time cameras. And guess what? It ain't that bad either. Take a look. Who says Nokia cameras suck?? ![]() ![]() Anyhow written on Jul 16, 2007 at 2:55 PM
0 bored people said something about this Got tagged by Mimi, The Queen of Memes herself to do this. Was kinda fun finding out more about my birthday. I never knew so many things could happen in 1 single day. So here goes... "THE BIRTHDAY MEME" Here are the rules: You go to Wikipedia and type in your birthday (month and day) Then you write down 3 events, 2 births, 1 holiday, and tag 5 friends. There are five slots in the meme list.... as you are tagged, you have to remove the name in the first slot and bump everyone up so that your name can be added to the bottom. Ok... So here are some things that happened on 6th of July around the world... 3 Events 1. 1535 - Sir Thomas More, author of Utopia and one time Lord Chancellor of England, is executed for treason by King Henry VIII after refusing to agree to Henry's decision to separate the English church from the Roman Catholic church. I always said religion was evil. 2. 1947 - The AK-47 goes into production in the Soviet Union. Hmm... More evil... 3. 1988 - The Piper Alpha drilling platform in the North Sea is destroyed by explosions and fires. 167 oil workers are killed, making it the world's worst offshore oil disaster. The WORLD'S worst oil disaster. I guess you can't get any evil-er than that Next up, 2 Births 1. 1921 - Nancy Reagan, First Lady of the United States Wow, I share birthday's with some damn important people in the US. 2. 1946 - George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States Ok this is getting scary. Does that mean that I'm going to be some big **** for the US too? and finally... 1 Holiday 1. Malawi - Independence Day (1964). Erm... Anybody can locate that on the world map for me?? And the list... [Don't know what's it really for though] 108th Starrlight Big Leather Couch Mimi Writes Anyhowblogs And now I shall unfeelingly tag Pearls of Wisdom, Kelvin, Andrina, Sabrina and yandaokia. Anyhow written on Jul 12, 2007 at 3:09 PM
1 bored people said something about this Wordless Wednesday : Let's Take A Break from Guessing ![]() Anyhow written on Jul 11, 2007 at 2:34 PM
20 bored people said something about this Yes, I'm supposed to be on "Holiday mode" until school starts at the end of July, but I only just found out this week that the courses that start on 30th of July do not include my course. My friends have already attended a course briefing and are already preparing to start applying for their subjects, while I am still lazing around at home, without a single word or letter from SIM. Got to calling them on Monday and that was when I found out that my course will be starting later that the other business courses and the course briefing will only be held on the 14th of August. Which means that the actual lessons will only start at least 2 or 3 weeks after that... Which also means that I have involunteeringly extended my 1 month holiday to a 2 and a half month one. Well, I guess that just leaves me more time get back into shape. Just came back from the so-called orientation of SIM. Nothing much really. Most of it was just walking around the center of SIM, looking at all the CCA booths set up trying to impress the freshmen and get them to sign-up. Well, I actually did sign up for some. Signed up for the trail HipHop dance lesson for $8 whole bucks to see if I could kick it, and also signed up for information regarding school wakeboarding sessions which will obviously burn a hole in my pocket if they make it real frequent. Other than that we were just basically walking around and admiring the students. After that we went to The Cathay Cineplex to catch Die Hard 4.0. After the thrilling 2+ hour movie, I have concluded the following facts... 1. Bruce Willis is God. He will not die no matter what. [Hence the title] 2. Maggie Q is HOT. Even when she was seconds away from death. 3. Cars can be used as weapons to destroy helicopters and F-15 fighter jets. 4. There are always "star" bad guys in movies. In this case a kung-fu Asian babe and a ninja-like pakour expert. 5. The cops will only arrive at the scene when the whole show is over and the bad guys have all been killed. Go watch it. It's another great Die Hard movie. I'm still amazed at how he killed the big boss. Anyhow written on Jul 10, 2007 at 6:36 PM
1 bored people said something about this Woophie. I'm another year older today. As of 8+a.m. this morning, I have officially been a part of this planet for 23 years and counting. What have I accomplished so far? Well, nothing fantastic, but through these short years, I've learnt that life will always throw rocks at you. All you have to do is try to avoid them or if they can't be avoided, at least take it with a smile on your face, pick yourself up and start walking again. Thanks to all those people who wished me. And I'm hoping that we'll have a blast at tonight's gathering. Here's a little sneak peek at what a cute boy I was when I was young. And yeah, I'm still cute now if you asked me. ![]() Anyhow written on Jul 6, 2007 at 3:32 PM
3 bored people said something about this Ok folks, its time to reveal the answer. This week's one was a little tricky, but not totally unguessable. All you needed was the right approach. Let's see if anyone got it right this week. Let's zoom out a little shall we? ![]() Now isn't this angle much easier to see what it was? ![]() Yup. Those rounded little monsters are none other than simple buttons on an old-school CRT LCD monitor. I'm gonna be kind this week and dub those who got it 80% right as winners. So kudos to this week's winners, pearls of wisdom and her family, mar and starrlight for guessing buttons, although nobody got that perfect answer of Monitor Buttons. Hope to see you guys back again next week. Anyhow written onat 3:15 PM
2 bored people said something about this Wordless Wednesday : Guess-It 14 ![]() Anyhow written on Jul 4, 2007 at 12:00 PM
20 bored people said something about this Have you always been interested in the hype and buzz surrounding your favourite celebrities? Wish that you could get all the celebrity rumors in one click? Well, here's a great website that gives you all the latest cheese and gossip of your favourite celebs on and off the red carpet. This site even aggregates all the gossip for you and lets you vote on your favourite gossip or even leave a thought or two via a simple comment page linked to that particular article. And what's more, it's free for all. All you have to do is to complete a quick signup form and you're able to view, vote and comment on all the latest gossip. Still need more convincing? How about if I told you that Christina Aguilera's estranged father has confirmed the pop star is pregnant with her first child. Yup, you can get the latest buzz all here. Anyhow written onat 10:57 AM
0 bored people said something about this And why do I say that? It's cos I spent half my day in front of the laptop playing MapleStory. A game which I thought I had quit almost half a year ago because at level 1, you kill monsters to level up, and at level 100 you're still killing monsters [stronger ones] to level up. No real satisfaction really, but I guess it's a great way to kill time if you have nothing better to do. Currently at level 98, will decide if I will try to quit Maple again when I reach level 100, which won't be far, considering I uped 2 levels in 3 days. Anyhow written on Jul 2, 2007 at 6:36 PM
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