![]() Just came back from Expo with pipi. Today is the last day of the Singapore Food Festival and we just had to go down and get some bites. All in all we spent a total of $20.00 on our dinner tonight, within 1 hour in the great big hall.
Grand Total: $17.00 + $3.00 for the tako balls we couldn't find = $20.00 Now I need to get some exercise to get rid of the extra kgs I put on tonight. Anyhow written on May 27, 2008 at 9:05 PM
0 bored people said something about this Sorry to be missing for so long. It seems that the more free time I have, the more I feel lazier to update my blog. But just for those readers out there who love to frequently have a quick 'kaypo' session into the happenings of my life, here are some of the things that happened during the past week. 1. Blading Session with Uni Classmates at ECP The entire gang of us went down to ECP for some blading on Thursday afternoon. Since I was the only one who knew how to blade, I sort of became a make-shift blading instructor. Boy, a life of an instructor is not easy, just getting all of them from the blade shop where they rented their blades to the beginner zone, which was like only 10 meters away, was a challenge. I had to support them one by one down the badly designed floor plan [which intelligent chimpanzee thought that it would be good to make the most direct and accessible path from a skate shop to a beginner zone a freaking slope with uneven floor tiles?] and ended up sweating even before the actual teaching began. I think all of them fell at least once but most of them picked it up quite quickly, except for the girls who were terrified of letting go of the railings and almost had their hands glued onto the rails for the entire 2 hours. The only way to make them let go was to temp them by dangling a Big Gulp in front of them and persuading them to leave the rails. [Sort of like dangling a carrot in front of a horse] I suppose everyone had a good time although going home with some blue-blacks is unavoidable. There was only 1 major fall where one of the girls landed on her bum and she actually cried. Not those 'Ah Gong! Don't die!' sort of crying but more of the 'Why you bully me...' sort of crying. At first we all thought she was just joking until we saw the tears trickling down. Well, that's what you get for always threatening people with 'I cry ah!'. i guess she didn't read "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" story too well. So anyway, after we returned our blades, we were treated to an imprompto stand-up comedy performance. This indian guy from the skate shop was trying to order KFC for the staff in the shop and it was freaking hillarious. I could only suspect that he was talking to another indian who just happened to have a strong indian accent. Firstly he kept correcting the operator's english by asking him to pronouce it without the indian accent. He was like "No, it's fish burger, not vish burger." And then he had trouble describing the store location to the operator. I don't know if the operator was a primary school drop out or he hasn't stepped out of the call centre for 20 years, but how could you not piece together the location when provided with the following details: - Store Name - Carpark * [I forgot which carpark he said, but he said a letter] - Location relative to MacDonalds - Location relative to Lagoona Food Centre I think the entire interchange lasted a good 20 minutes or more before they finally confirmed the order and ended the call. Indians making fun of Indians are always funny. But try that when your not an Indian and be prepared for a beating. So anyway, after our on-site entertainment, we headed to Bedok 85 to have dinner. Had the usual stingray and 'orr-luak' and chicken wings before making our way home. 2. Bad Stomach Don't know if it was the dinner at 85, but the next morning I woke up with a stinging pain in my tummy. A trip to the toilet produced watery results and I was behaving like a snail for the rest of the day. Luckily I had some medicine stocked up in the cupboard and was feeling better at the end of they day. 3. CABAL Because of peer pressure from my classmates, I have started on a new MMORPG game called CABAL. It's sort of a 3D version of maplestory but with less training involved. The experience you get from killing mobs is very little compared to the experience you get from completing quests. So the main objective of the game is to complete as many quests as you can, rather than having to stay in the same area for millions of hours hitting the same bloody monsters just to level up. Right now I'm still the lowest level among my friends but trust me, being the 'GameBoy', this will not hold for long. 4. Birthday Celebrations Celebrated 2 friends' birthdays today with a lunch at Tampines Swensens. After that we headed down to Kumpong Chai Chee CC for some KTV. Although the rooms are considerably small, you can't complain much because it's $8 freaking dollars for 4 hours of singing and includes 1 free drink! However, this offer is only available to students. Being a student does have it's perks. Had loads of fun singing and laughing and basically just talking crap with them in that tiny little room. After that we headed down to Bedok 511 to have dinner and finally back home for some well deserved rest. So here I am, finally pulling myself away from all the leisure activities to update you guys on my boring life. Anyhow written on May 25, 2008 at 10:46 PM
0 bored people said something about this Exams are over! Yippie. And I think I should have no problem securing my first 3 As of my free Taiwan trip. [Read here if you don't know what I'm talking about] Now the next problem is what to do for the next 3 to 4 months before school re-opens. Wondering if I should get myself a temp job or just wait in blind hope that more castings come my way. Was out for almost 18 hours yesterday, celebrating Alvin's birthday. After a stupid TVC casting at Henderson Industrial Park where I was asked to act as a young man, dirty old uncle and wheel-chair bound ah pek all in 1 casting, I headed straight down to Simpang for some pre-peak hour owning. It's so freaking cheap before 5pm. 3 hours plus only cost me like $3 as compared to the $6 to $8 that I would have lost had it been the normal peak hours. We need more morning/afternoon sessions guys. After that we went down to Ministry of Food @ Bugis Junction for dinner. Had my spicy meso ramen as usual, which was nice although I felt the one at Marina Square was slightly more spicy and had more kick. Oh, and their desserts kick ass. They even have small pieces of paper individually printed for each dessert giving you tips and trick on how to fully enjoy that dessert. But be prepared to queue up for a long looooooooong time if you go during dinner time. I think we waited for almost 45 minutes just to get a table for 6. After dinner and and a very long discussion on where to go and what to do, we finally concluded to watch the new Thai action female version of Onn Bak, "Chocolate". It was a great beat'em Up show with some crazy fight sequences but I think the director of this show has no conscience. Yes, the show proudly states that no stunt doubles were used in any fight scenes [which was mostly talking about that girl being able to kick your butt i reality], but they failed to mention that no dummies or safety nets were used in the production too. The director actually had real stuntmen fail from 3-4 story high apartment ledges, bounce off the lower ledges and smack flat onto the concrete pavement below, all with just a safety line tied to his back. Which, by the way, landed the poor stuntman in a hospital. And how does a safety line prevent internal injuries from bouncing off ledges in mid air? Anyway, after the movie, we headed down to Cyrus at River Valley for more owning.When I finally reached home after breakfast it was almost 7am. The time when people wake up is the time when I go to bed. But surprisingly I woke up around 2pm today. Maybe I'll go catch more Zs after this post since I got nothing better to do anyway. Next activity to be planned: Regular blading at ECP to work on my tan... Anyhow written on May 17, 2008 at 4:37 PM
0 bored people said something about this One final paper to go tommorrow. After that it's time for some major partying. Let's list down all the stuff that I need to do after tommorrow's paper...
Apart from all the partying, there's still a couple of admin stuff I need to get settled too.
And all this within the span of only 4 to 5 months? So many things to do... So little time... And I'm quite certain the list will continue to grow as the days go by. But right now its back to shreading up the past year exam papers and frying them to a crisp so they are easier to swallow down. Now where's that frying pan? Anyhow written on May 14, 2008 at 11:44 AM
0 bored people said something about this Was kinda getting bored of studying for my next paper when I discovered that I had an unbelievable hidden talent... I think I must have been a black-robed ninja assassin in my previous life. Has any one seen that segment on Ripley's Believe It or Not, where this old guy throws a sewing needle through a 1-inch think glass panel to burst the balloon on the other side? Well, I'm thinking I have that amazing talent too. Look at this... ![]() I made a hole in a piece of paper... And the amazing thing is I only managed to successfully do it on the 1st try. The other crease marks are evidence of my subsequent failures to repeat my prowless. ![]() Here's the close up... ![]() And here's the weapon of choice... My G-TEC PEN! [With the cap on too!] And here's a re-enactment of how I discovered my killer instincts through random nonsense... ![]() Holding the pen like a deadly poisonous dart, the assassin picks his desired target... A piece of paper that is lying innocently on his bed, unaware of the eminent danger ![]() And with an almost instantanious recoiling and striking motion, the everyday object becomes a deadly weapon in the right hands... ![]() Resulting in a brutal attack that leaves a permanent scar on the victim. It ain't as easy as you think it is. Try it to believe it. I dare you. Anyhow written on May 10, 2008 at 8:55 PM
0 bored people said something about this 2 papers down, 2 more to go. At least the killer paper is down. But strangely it wasn't that deadly on the braincells, but rather more deadly on the hand muscles. Trying to write continuously at break-neck speed for 3 straight hours is no easy feat. Oh, and try doing that while thinking of answers to compare and contrast questions. Oh, and I just received some fantastic news. Will be keeping it a secret until everything's done. The Luck of the Leprechaun must have followed the green clover Nike sneakers that I just bought all the way over the ocean right here to lil old Singapore... Stay tuned for my big suprise! Anyhow written on May 9, 2008 at 9:17 PM
0 bored people said something about this Just finished my first paper today, and it was really out of my expectations. I expected that I could easily gurantee 70 marks for this Maths paper, but amazingly, I came out of the exam hall with an almost guranteed 90 mark score. Either the paper was that freaking easy, or I am that freaking smart. I'm guessing the 2nd option. Oh, and when I came back home today, the mailman had delivered something to my doorstep. ![]() Yes, a big brown box! Woohoo! Any guesses on what's inside?? ![]() Woo!! 2 smaller boxes! Wow, this is so exciting! I bet you can guess what they are from the boxes... ![]() ![]() Yup! My nike sneakers that I ordered online last week arrived today on schedule! All the way from US no less. After many fruitless attempts to find a nice pair of Nike sneakers within the confines of our little red dot, I finally decided that enough was enough and opted for the web option. Although slightly costly for small orders, due to the freight costs, sneakerhead.com offers a wide variety of assorted brands of shoes for anyone and everyone. And their delivery is freaking fast! I placed my orders on Saturday and the goods arrived this afternoon! Here's more of my new rides... ![]() ![]() Sooooooo nice right? I can't stand it! And i bet not many people in Singapore has this design cos I don't think it was ever introduced here. Pipi's shoes are cool too! And I love her box. ![]() Another unique pair of Nike shoes to be spotted around town. ![]() ![]() And they even come with matching replacable red shoe laces. ![]() Another item striked off my 'Wanted' list... ![]() And they only cost a total of around SG$300, which includes the freight. That means on average SG$150 for a Singapore limited editon cool ride, although mine actually costs more than hers, but what the heck! Woooooo~ Anyhow written on May 6, 2008 at 7:21 PM
1 bored people said something about this Exams are just around the corner. And I think I'm going mad soon. So many formulas to remember, so many definitions to memorise, so many explanations to understand... And this madness is apparently obvious from the way my table looks like now... ![]() I heard there's a Chinese theory that if you burn all the books and boil the remains in water until only a single cup of water remains and drink it, you will gain all the knowledge included in those books. Or at very least a really bad stomachache... Maybe I should go test out the myth... Anyhow written on May 2, 2008 at 6:24 PM
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